Would you like to know a little bit more about us, about SATCOMM?

Who We Are- 

SATCOMM is made up of members, who strongly believe in utilizing remedies producing a "win-win" situation for both sides. Our values are anchored in Integrity and Quality and that no one Individual is greater than the other.

Each of Our members have weathered many hours of studying, seminars, classes, and hands on experience with other organizations and companies focused on navigating the sea of commerce. We Utilize a different approach to recruiting and developing the people who work with you and on your behalf. They come to us recommended from different locations Around the globe. We've learned all the disciplines associated with the remedies we implement and incorporate within our corporate structure and strategies, so that the quality of our work is consistent, regardless of who the lead and/or team member may be or where they are based. This structure ensures that we can quickly deliver the right team, with the right experience and expertise, to every client, anywhere in North America and the Caribbean, and further around the world.


This sea of commerce...

Though we have put in many hours to acquire our initial knowledge and skills, we continue to sharpen our skills and refine our knowledge base. Why? We know our clients come to us with different commercial backgrounds, skills and situations; that along with the changing currents in this sea of commerce gives us that type of motivation. Motivation like that helps us to weather any storm.

"...we are constantly working in endeavoring to fight through a system that doesn't want to allow access to the securities..."

We are continuously adding more expanding aspects to each of our programs, trying to provide the best value to each of our clients for the services offered and rendered here at SATCOMM. There are a lot of things going on in the background, things unseen to the client, as we are constantly working in endeavoring to fight through a system that doesn't want to allow access to the securities that rightfully belong to our clients. But we will not tire, we will not give in, we will not give up. We will continue to fight, to sacrifice, and we do this for you because we do care, we do hear your concerns, we do feel your frustration, but please bear with us because we are fighting Goliath and we don't carry a slingshot, they been outlawed or haven't you heard?

Our team contributes time and their expertise...

We are constantly analyzing background material related to the commercial world. This includes, but is not limited to treaties, laws, maxims, statues, codes, legislation and related literature concerning our methods of attaining remedies. Our team contributes time and their expertise in developing these insights, because they are essential to our foundation's ability to help our clients achieve their goals.

Your concerns are important to us...

The question or concern that's not covered in our frequently asked questions section,  feel free to contact us at the following link...

Address for non-registered/legal communication only!

Bonnie Lake Washington

Phone Not in service as we are currently training staff to handle the heavy volume of calls we thank you for your patience!

Office : +1-844-SATCOMM 
Office : +1 (844) 728 26 66



Social Media Debute June 2019, we are so exicted to announce our planned presence...